Leopard Blog Search

Monday, 1 November 2010

Target Audience Profile

Demographics: Looking from similar existing artists, aged 13-35, both make and female.

Psychographics: Audience who have similair interests to the band members for example, fashion style, same taste in music, have acess to internet to listen to home-recorded songs. We can comment on the fan level being quite intense as with most indie bands, they start out by just word of mouth or recommendations from friends which gradually increases into a larger fan base.

Social Classififications: Around C1,C2,D. People who have acess to the internet and a computor. Perhaps reflecting the younger age groups also incoroporating students into this audience.

We had to really think carefully about what went in the video so that it appealled to this audience. We have decided to use a "younger" model to take the role of the artist and designing carefully the clothes in which he is wearing are very up to date and in fashion for this style. We have also used a narative in the video in which would really relate to many members of the audience.

The video can relate to the target audience by close connection to the narratie which tells the audience about the artist's relationship with his ex-girlfriend and how he relfects on the memories he spend with her. This can relate to the audience as they may have had a similar situation happen to them .

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