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Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Artist Image

Identifying key features of Star Image and Brand Identity.

Katy Perry "One Of The Boys" Album Cover

Katy Perry- Katy Perry is an indie-pop female artist who has created herself as very unique and individual artist. Throught most of her album covers she shows herself as a very animated character by wearing very bold make up and colourful costumes. This draws the attention straight to her as this grabbing colour use immediatley attracts the audience. She also represents herself as a very "girly girl" by the use of voyerism and sex appeal through the cotume choices and proxemics of the shots. She is seen wearing small shorts to attract her to a male audience. The composition of the shot shows her laying on a sunbed in what is seen to be a seductive and female pose and exagerating her body language.  We can also see from the background of the cover the continuation of the animated theme.  

Lily Allen "Alright, Still" Album Cover
Another indie-pop artist that we researched was Lily Allen. Much like Katy Perry, she portrays  herself to be a very animated character sharing both ideas of coloured make up and bright colour wigs. However Lily Allen does represent herself to be slightly more "tomboy" than Katy Perry even though they produce the same sort of style music. Lily Allen represents herself as a slightly more casual look by wearing trainers and not trying to show many signs of sex appeal other than her exagerated body language while sitting on the motorbike.We could say that in both album covers the sight line of each female is directly at the camera which could shows ideas of sex appeal and voyerism.
Much like Katy Perry's album cover the font on both of them are very similar as it is both are filled text.

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